This the Beleste Dynamics 6Evecon nicknamed by the German luftwaffe Reitch, manufactured by the newly formed Beleste Dynamics during 1999c its a double seat single engine multirole carrier base fighter jet, capable if mach 1-2 and 3 speeds, equiped with the PL-CCDF Radar Systems which was a major upgrade at that time. It was equipped with the DUYA-5 Engine, manufactured by the company Duya Dynamics or DD. The aircraft was requested by the ANC aka The Azerkistan Navy Corp, by general “ Alekem Ordanuvichra “ during 1998 after the orginal was created. The aircrafts main roles were Anti Vehicle and Air to Air combat. The cockpit had a HDDMY Screen feature, Capable of displaying crucial info mid flight, hence the blue hue of the exterior glass, inside it is a orange and red hue, it matched perfectly with the pilots helmet which the attached screens for information, the cockpit also doesnt have an ejection seat due to incapabilities with the aircrafts airframe, after an ejection the airframe would crumble and explode before the ejection seat could lift off out of the craft, which was tested with human test pilots and caused about 2 deaths though the information is still clouded due to classification. About 478 were made and 120 were given to the German Luftwaffe, raising the companys funds to create more for the ANC, serving from 1999 tp 2024, about 189 are still in service, but government officials discuss about bring it back to manufacturies today.