Variable version of the Soyuz 2.0 Rocket and the Soyuz Spacecraft.
Include a Soyuz Spacecraft, a Rocket, a totally functional Ejection System, and the automatic system to Launch and Orbit in the AG4.
Major diferences are: The spacecraft is 2x bigger than the original Soyuz, and added some features and changes (Example: Got 4 turnable solar panel arrays, 4 landing legs, 4 spacecraft engines with high Isp, etc.); the Soyuz Rocket got 5 boosters instead of 4 boosters, the Korolev Cross is available through 4 special engines on the top of the boosters (i recommend change the exhaust colors to white), the boosters and core engines are changed to gimbaled engines to simplify the design, and ir included the likely Fregat upper stage on the craft. Please adjust the staging, look the AGs and the Vizzy program. Enjoy it!


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $497,239k
  • Number of Parts: 207
  • Dimensions: 106 m x 19 m x 18 m


  • Total Delta V: 17.2km/s
  • Total Thrust: 70.4MN
  • Engines: 55
  • Wet Mass: 3.4E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 2.6E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 20 3.1km/s 51.2MN 2.2m 3.4E+6kg
2 4 3.2km/s 9.1MN 4.3m 1.14E+6kg
3 0 0m/s 0N 0s 1.13E+6kg
4 4 2.0km/s 2.5MN 3.5m 3.7E+5kg
5 1 1.7km/s 164kN 21.7m 1.52E+5kg
7 4 7.1km/s 1.2MN 6.6m 89,075kg

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