As you can see, it was three months ago when I said this, and obviously I didn't expect the workload to be so heavy. But finally, in the beginning of 2023, I completed ----PHOSPHERUS-H1 Version 3 of the launch vehicle, PHOSPHERUS-H1 Block 3.

I have to admit, I didn't do a good job: vizzy didn't write well, couldn't get into the orbit accurately, was limited by the equipment, and a lot of details weren't done well or at all, but it was the best I could do at this point. As one of my best works so far, I hope you like it.

As for the name "PHOSPHERUS ", I hope this series will be a starting point in my SR2 career and guide my future path.

* There are now two PHOSPHERUS rockets in the series. Here is a brief introduction to the naming rules:

The PHOSPHERUS series has four subseries, which are "S", "SL", "M" and "H".

S means Solid , that is, solid rocket
SL means Small Liquid rocket
M means Medium , which means medium liquid rocket
H means Heavy , heavy liquid rocket

* Each rocket name consists of "Starstar series model +Block number + number of second stage engines + number of boosters", such as PHOSPHERUS-H1B32N.

* So let me introduce the PHOSPHERUS-H1 launch vehicle.

The basic version of the rocket is B32N configuration. (Other variants simply add different boosters and change the number of secondary engines)

First-stage diameter (excluding stage interval) :5.65m, height (excluding stage interval) :50.17m, liquid oxygen tank below, methane tank above. Using two CE-1D engines.

CE-1D engine uses liquid oxygen-methane oxygen-rich high-pressure secondary combustion cycle for regeneration and cooling, which can swing in all directions and the maximum swing Angle is 3.5°.

Second-stage is a hanging storage tank with liquid hydrogen storage tank on the top and liquid oxygen storage tank on the bottom. Maximum diameter:7m,liquid hydrogen tank diameter:6.72m,liquid oxygen tank diameter:4.7m,total height of the second stage:19.6m,two CE-2A engines are used.

The CE-2A engine is a liquid hydrogen and oxygen expansion cycle with extended nozzles and uses regenerative cooling and radiation cooling respectively. It can swing in all directions, with a maximum swing Angle of 4.5°.

Fairing diameter:7m, height:25m, using rotary separation.

'[RSS]PHOSPHERUS-H1B32N Take-off mass:975t, 500*500km orbital capacity: 30t'.

Like the previous version, PHOSPHERUS-H1 also has simulated engine firing, transonic effects, wake cloud effects, and a less accurate automatic launch system.

* How to use:

Press AG 7 to start the automatic launch data entry program. According to the input data displayed on the screen, you can launch immediately after completion, or you can choose a suitable time to launch, just press AG 7 again.

AG 8: Lights on a rocket

AG 19: Service tower lighting

* Note:

Do not press AG 7 a second time before pressing any activation group other than the above. Launch may be affected.

* Effects display (unfortunately, there are some problems with the equipment and many images cannot be displayed as GIFs)

CE-1D Ignition Effect:

CE-2A Ignition Effect:

Water spray noise reduction effect:

Traction release effect:

Transonic effect:

* Also, I've made other low-P versions that you can choose from depending on your device:





Universal solid booster

Thanks to RocketLover2333 and AstronautiChempion for their inspiration and help, and to all your support

Happy New Year to you! Have fun!


  • Successors 1 craft(s)
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 0.9.924.0
  • Price: $1,088,086k
  • Number of Parts: 6242
  • Dimensions: 101 m x 30 m x 48 m


  • Total Delta V: 14.3km/s
  • Total Thrust: 25.4MN
  • Engines: 16
  • Wet Mass: 2.05E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 6.22E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
4 2 0m/s 0N 0s 2.05E+6kg
5 4 1.9km/s 21.3MN 2.7m 2.05E+6kg
10 4 1m/s 1.3MN 0s 2.19E+5kg
11 2 12.4km/s 2.4MN 6.6m 2.19E+5kg


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    @Soyuzfairings500 @Soyuzfairings500 ok

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace allright thats fine just send a message on my post when its time

    1.6 years ago
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    @Soyuzfairings500 I went to school on August 14th, and the information may not be available until October

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace i feel more comfortle just use my Atlas v post ok?

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace if you cant with discord just use my Atlas v post

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace i feel confortble with discord but email not really

    1.6 years ago
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    @Soyuzfairings500 Can you give me your contact information?

    1.6 years ago
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    @Soyuzfairings500 Okay, I will work with you in the future when I have time, but I don't have time yet. Sorry

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace a pad similar then the lpe 2 launch pad

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace i would want my rocket to have a electron lsunch pad with the arm but when we make the roxket u can make the logo and i can do other stuff of the rocket and we make a design for the booster stage a livery

    1.6 years ago
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    @Soyuzfairings500 This is difficult to explain clearly. You can download one of my rockets and take a look at it

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace also i wanna make a good logo for my company but idk how to make on if u can help with that

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace my rocket has issues but the design is just a wave design but we could make a cooler design and i wanna know how to make a electron style launxh pad that you made and detailing youncould tell me tips bur we can do the h3 together

    1.6 years ago
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    @Soyuzfairings500 Come on! Let's move forward together!

    1.6 years ago
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    @Soyuzfairings500 Very good design, I hope to see your work soon(PS: I would like to see the effect of your painting on the rocket earlier)

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace since my company is from finland it would have a blue and white livery with some cool design on the booster my companys logo on the fairings and the finnish flag on the bottom on the booster on on fairings on the second stage and it will have a falxon 9 style fairings

    1.6 years ago
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    Yea with configs for srbs

    1.6 years ago
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    @Soyuzfairings500 I understand, so this is a rocket similar to the medium-sized Falcon 9

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace so its a medium size launch vehicle

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace it can carry medium scale payloads like falcon 9 the other stuff not really but

    1.6 years ago
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    @Soyuzfairings500 Have you considered data such as design size, takeoff mass, engine selection, LEO capacity, etc? These are also quite important for rockets

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace i was planning for medium size launch vehicle (about the size of the delta 2) with srb configs or not called the Helsinki Aerospace H3 with falcon 9 style fairings a launch pad could be added but i prob go without one

    1.6 years ago
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    @Soyuzfairings500 No problem, I hope to have time to cooperate in the future😘

    1.6 years ago
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    @CentaurAerospace all right i undertsand but when you got time we could make a rocket together

    1.6 years ago
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    @Soyuzfairings500 But I don't have a Discord account, you know, I need a VPN. And I'm about to return to school, there's not much time left😭

    1.6 years ago
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