Updated version
TVC Variant
Earliest Version, for the contrast
This stripped dragonfly is a testbed for my fourth generation flight control program.
an all new 3-axis fly by wire created from experience gathered on previous iterations.
the biggest achievement was the incorporation of a g limiter +9 and -3 on the yaw axis at all speeds.
rate limiting and g limiting are used at different flight profiles. for example when below 140m/s with landing gear down the flight control is switched to rate limiting only and when above that g-limiting is turned on.
all the parameters are changeable and of course you can copy paste the program into your fighter jet since it's modular, but you will need to figure your gains out.
There's also the new flight control module attached in the nose gear bay:
also the 3D thrust vectoring enabled version:
Known Issues:
- Integral runaway/winding/accumulation happens when you hold pitch stick back or foreward for too long and when crossing transition speed since it still tracks pitch when in rate mode.
- I forgot to plug in the aeleron flap variable into the aelerons, so flaps are not full capability in this version. (easy fix with funky trees, download the fixed version in above links)
- I also forgot to move the COL infront of the COM and this is why peak manuevrabiilty and Cobras can't be done in this version. I'm currently testing a fix for this and will upload soon ( man i hate it when i forget stuff).
there are ways to contol the integral unwanted winding as i heard from a couple guys in DSC Discord but haven't really went and researched the subject, one day i will.
the aircraft feels amazing to fly. flies as good as it looks.
the most optimal maneuvering speed is 200m/s with 9G and 25°/s pitchrate.
also, i wanted to attempt the world record of the SU-27 altitude climbs, and I needed a way to lock my G units up which made me make a new fbw in a day lol.
I will try to learn from this. Jazakallah