The very first flight capable prototype of the RQ-3 UAV under development by Southrup-Drumman, a recently acquired subsidiary of the IRS. This is a technology demonstrator and testing platform ONLY, not afinished product. Any feedback (especially if theres bugs in fhe vizzy script) is greatly appreciated. Feel free to do whatever you want with it, but make sure to credit me if you post anything about/with it. Thanks! 🦃
The purpose of this manual is to inform the user(you) on the general use of this craft.
- Overview
- Activation Groups
- Functions
- Specifications
This craft is equipped with some advanced features to ensure success in any mission. These include:
- A gyroscopically stabilized telescoping camera mounted under the nose of the craft
- A moderately stealthy design
- Advanced Auto-Takeoff function
- Advanced Autopilot function
- Advanced Camera Lock function(currently under development)
- Advanced Auto-Landing function(currently under development)
Activation Groups:
- [(1) - Engine]
- [(3) - Auto-Takeoff]
- [(4) - Autopilot]
- [(5) - Manual Override]
- [(8) - Landing Gear]
- [(9) - Camera Lock]
- [(10) - Camera]
Use [AG 3] to engage Auto-Takeoff. Once engaged, DO NOT engage any AGs until program displays [Complete]. The craft will run through a quick pre-flight check before rolling down the runway. Once proper airspeed is achieved, the craft will pull up and stow it's landing gear. Once the craft has reached 3 km AGL, it will switch to a cruise mode and the program will disengage automatically. Use [AG 5] to disengage Auto-Takeoff at any point and resume manual control. Auto-Takeoff will ONLY engage while the craft is grounded, and will display [Abort] if activated during flight.
Use [AG 4] to engage Autopilot. Once engaged, the craft will begin to "orbit"(circle) around its current location. The direction it "orbits" depends on the current bank angle of the craft (ie, if the craft is banked slightly to the right, then it will continue to turn to the right while Autopilot is engaged, and vise versa) when activated. Use [AG 5] to disengage Autopilot. Autopilot will NOT engage while the craft is grounded, and will display [Abort] if activated.
Use [AG 10] to engage manual control of the camera. The user's camera view will automatically switch to the gyroscopically stabilized camera. Use [Slider 1] to pan the camera left/right, [Slider 2] to tilt the camera up/down, and [Slider 3] to adjust the zoom level. Use [AG10] to disengage control of the camera and revert to Chase View for ease of flying.
Other functions:
All other functions (Auto-Landing, Camera Lock, etc) are currently unavailable and still under development.
Height: 2.6 m
Length: 9.1 m
Wingspan: 13.0 m
Wet Mass: 1,174 kg
Dry Mass: 1,063 kg
Fuel Mass: 111 kg
Engine: JH - 200E
Sea Level(0 m ASL): 12.8 kN
Cruising Altitude(10 km ASL): 3.96 kN
Range: 1,800 km
Ceiling: 18,000 m ASL
Cruising Altitude: 10,000 m ASL
Max speed: 177 m/s
Cruising speed: 95 m/s