Note: this is merely my own interpretation of the TR-3B, I am not a grass avoiding tin foil hat, I do not believe that this aircraft really exists no matter how many dark and grainy photos and videos there are of it.


So what is the TR-3B? Well it is the byproduct of claimed sightings and grainy photos and videos of supposed triangular shaped crafts which have made an appearance seemingly all over the world or more like all over America since they are rarely ever seen in other countries, they are distinguishable by their bright glowing lights which makes them rather easy to spot, they have also been seen doing maneuvers that defy the laws of physics and aerodynamics such as quick perfect right angle turns.

Conspiracy theorists and people in general around the world have theorized these crafts to not be extraterrestrials but rather a USAF top secret reconnaissance aircraft supposedly using reversed engineered nazi technology, which has been named the TR-3B Astra or the Tactical Reconnaissance-3B Astra. This name was seemingly derived from another theorized black project from the late to post cold war era (which I believe is much more plausible), the TR-3A Black Manta.

Sightings of the Astra have not only been claimed by normal civilians and tin foil hats but some fighter pilots have also claimed to have seen the Astra, however instead of pulling inhumanly tight maneuvers they have seen them accelerating to speeds so ludicrous and so quick that it shouldn't even be within our technological reach even with scramjets and rockets.


The Astra is theorized to use a nuclear powered anti-gravity drive which has some rather.. dubious.. physics behind how it actually works.

Supposedly, this anti-gravity drive would use nuclear energy to accelerate highly pressurized liquid mercury into a plasma (which has some pretty weird proven physics on its own) which in turn produces an anti-gravity field around the craft, additionally, an electromagnetic coil would produce an electromagnetic field which interacts with the Higgs Boson Field at the quantum level. This drive is also supposedly almost completely silent, only producing a low humming sound.

Supposedly the lights on the Astra is conventional thrusters but I just don't see it, especially since they're only placed on one side of the craft and they're always active. Personally, I believe these lights are the result of excess plasma having to be vented out of the craft which would also significantly enhance its radar stealth capability since plasma absorbs radar/radio waves. These lights would not pose a real issue to its visual stealth since at the altitudes it'd be operating at in actual missions, the lights would look like nothing more than just a few stars.

Personal Iteration

So I changed a few things about the Astra that to me would make more sense from a practicality standpoint assuming that this craft does exist and is somehow in active service, maybe US Congress accidentally added an extra 0 to the Pentagon's budget or something.

First off, contrary to popular belief, I think the Astra would be an unmanned craft. This is due to the sheer g-forces it would be pulling which will turn even the best stunt pilot into jelly no matter what high tech suit they're wearing, even if they were wearing a suit that could protect them, they wouldn't even be able to do anything anyway since the Gs will push them so far into their seats that it turns the seat's polyurethane foam into memory foam. I don't think it has some kind of inertia damping system either, the Astra's insides would be way too crowded by its anti-gravity drive and everything else for that to fit inside.

A lot of its otherwise interior components (eg. Antennas and Radars) would need to be placed on the outside due to, once again, the anti-gravity drive taking up more space than Nikocado Avocado in a Cessna 152. This means its radars and antennas would be placed inside domes to protect them from aerodynamic drag and heating.

For passive aerodynamic stability, it has a twin "tail". Although I just put those there mainly for aesthetics so eh.

The Astra is often depicted with a rear thruster to propel itself which I would think is so the anti-gravity drive uses up less power. While every depiction I've seen of this thruster is seemingly using chemical fuel, I made it a magnetic confinement engine which confines and accelerates plasma, it is covered by an aeroshell. Not only would this save on space since you don't need any additional fuel tanks which have no where to go anyway, it also puts some of the excess plasma being vented to use instead of wasting it.


Does this tin foil hat conspiracy have even a slight chance of existing? No, I don't think so. It'd be way too god damn expensive, way too complex, and it has so much unproven technology with unproven physics that US Congress would need to have a smooth brain to even consider such a project.

"BuT wHaT aBoUt AlL tHe EvIdEnCe???" Yeah yeah yeah, the evidence that is always 480-720p, grainy and dark as all holy balls or is straight up just a "trust me bro". Until I see proper evidence, like maybe another country's military spotting it and sharing the footage or something that is generally high definition and not dark as hsll, my opinion on this thing's plausibility will stay grounded harder than a 5 year old who broke their mother's favorite vase.


  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version: 0.9.918.1
  • Price: $39,787k
  • Number of Parts: 63
  • Dimensions: 9 m x 33 m x 36 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 4.7MN
  • Engines: 4
  • Wet Mass: 41,300kg
  • Dry Mass: 40,318kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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  • Profile image

    There's government official documentation and patents of this craft not just grainy photos. But I respect the opinion

    3 days ago
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    4,975 FelixFan1

    Bro that description is too funny lol

    +1 1.3 years ago
  • Profile image

    I had to test it before anything.. and it's Perfect. Everything. I also super recognize the tech .

    2.5 years ago
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    I, personally, would not mind its existence. Sure, tech is cool and all, but imagine the absolute hilarity that’ll ensue when the government derps and drops this thing on Spain.
    Still implausible, but cool nonetheless.

    2.5 years ago
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    That last bit is oddly specific.

    2.5 years ago


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