Hello everyone. I want to introduce you to a new project called the GR-10 Vacuum Lander, the development of the device took a very long time, and I hope that the result will justify itself.
The control of the aircraft is simplified as much as possible, which will allow both experienced pilots and beginners to enjoy the flight.
The lander is controlled in five ways:
By an integrated gyroscope with relatively low power, but it always works,
by deflected wings that work only in the atmosphere (Yes, the lander really also implies descent in the atmosphere despite the name),
by deflection of the main engines, works when the engines are running,
using the thrust difference of vertical engines, also works when these engines are active,
and RCS also works everywhere, but it is It is not recommended to use this as fuel reserves are limited.
The lander is equipped with two docking ports, for universal docking and with SBS stations (The station is under development)
If the battery runs out below 90%, generators will start working, usually this happens when vertical motors or gyroscope are used for a long time, since they use a lot of electricity.
For ease of movement on the surface, there are swivel landing wheels with built-in motors
How to manage
1.Fix the course and ativate the vertical engines and gain a small height
2.Retract the landing gear before moving forward
3.Turn on the main engines and after setting the desired speed, turn off the vertical engines
4.Have a good flight
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Price: $130,712k
- Number of Parts: 288
- Dimensions: 5 m x 12 m x 23 m
- Total Delta V: 49.2km/s
- Total Thrust: 12.5MN
- Engines: 22
- Wet Mass: 2E+5kg
- Dry Mass: 1.82E+5kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
1 | 8 | 32.5km/s | 9.6MN | 11.1m | 2E+5kg |
2 | 4 | 16.7km/s | 3.0MN | 18.6m | 2E+5kg |