IMPORTANT UPDATE - doesn't take off with container in the cargo bay, while flies well with same exact dead weight. Physics issue confirmed by the devs. Possible workaround below.


Electric hydroplane capable of delivering 50t container to 3+ Kkm (or 2+ Kkm out and back). Uses hydrofoil and flaps (linked together to Slider 1) for takeoff assist.
Cargo bay operates off AG7. Balanced against the cargo, dropping the container retains flying characteristics.
Due to large wing span, make sure to use more yaw for turns in-flight.
Warning - no in-water steering control.

Performance (with 50t load):
- t/o speed ~60 m/s
- stall ~50 m/s
- cruise 250+ m/s at 12000+ m (100% THR all controls neutral)

Takeoff procedure:
- THR 50%
- upon 10..12 m/s THR 100%
- upon 30 m/s full flaps/hydrofoil down, optionally pitch back
- lift off after 60+ m/s, stick neutral, start decreasing flaps to balance climb rate / airspeed (target - flaps 10..15%, speed 80-100 m/s, climb rate 20+ m/s)
- at altitude, gradually remove flaps to 0%, compensating with slight pitch input as needed

Descent / landing:
- THR 0%
- flaps up 10%
- as the nose starts dropping, trim pitch with onscreen slider down (back)
- gradually increase flaps up, compensating with pitch until it hits 100%
- keep adjusting flaps for desired slope, keeping speed < 200 m/s
- closer to water start leveling off, ideally 0% flaps / slight back pitch
- maintain slight positive attitude and zero vertical speed, keep flaring at few m altitude until speed drops to 50..55 m/s and the craft lands


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 1.0.909.1
  • Price: $1,040k
  • Number of Parts: 42
  • Dimensions: 16 m x 81 m x 53 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 0
  • Wet Mass: 2.45E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.19E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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    134 mundindel

    Easiest way to drop container off from the top of fuselage:
    - quicksave 😆;
    - 2 km distance, 1000 m AGL;
    - THR 0%;
    - gently go into moderate dive, place nose slightly above the target;
    - at ~600..700 AGL push stick forward hard, the container will separate and continue over ballistic trajectory into the target;
    - keep diving hard for another 2 seconds, roll to the side 30-40 deg, pull out, level off.

    1.9 years ago
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    134 mundindel

    Alright, if needed right now for the contract - remove dead weight (fuel tank in cargo bay), place container on the top of the fuselage, front edge aligned with wing edge.
    Takeoff and normal maneuvering should be no problem. Upon arrival, either use aerobatics to shake the container off, or simply ditch the plane as it's not recoverable from a distant location anyway.

    1.9 years ago
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    134 mundindel

    IMPORTANT UPDATE - doesn't take off with container while flies well with same exact dead weight. Physics issue suspected, bug reported, looking for intermittent workaround.
    Apologies to everyone who downloaded.

    1.9 years ago


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