Loosely based on a 737-200 this classic airliner will fly you anywhere on Droo. Decent cockpit and full suite of 7 external cameras for all the views and 1 tracking camera at takeoff.
Nice autopilot script (optional as always) that keeps your vertical speeds in check by constantly making adjustments to pitch (basically what the existing autopilot does but a bit more refined). Easy to use ascent and descent Vizzy scripts and a few easter eggs too for the players that spend more time with this craft.
AG1: Landing/Taxi Lights
AG2: Nav/Strobe lights
AG3: mystery button
AG4: mystery button 2
AG5: Auto-Gear
AG6: Auto-Takeoff (gets you off the ground with comfortable ascent for your passengers)
AG7: Auto-Descent (same thing but down, use around 140km from target if at cruising altitude)
AG8: Landing Gear
AG9: Flap Control
AG10: Cockpit Lights
The vizzy works great, I was working on a script that flies the plane automatically from Ali 10L to DSC East Runway but it wasn't working well enough so i took it off for now while i iterate on my Vizzy skillset.
Please let me know what you think, even if you hate it! SeanAir recently acquired a turboprop airliner too that's very fun to fly.
EDIT: I just realized I uploaded a bunch of pictures taken from before I switched this to being a -300 (older style) variant so the engines are huge, please ignore them. I would reupload but theyre cool pics so just download the dang thing pls thanks
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1,987 Liftey
You put a lot of effort into it I like it! Did you make the screens with vizzy yourself?
@Liftey they come with the game as saved vizzy codes