2 hinges with a "2 lines vizzy" to steady a platform for camera. currently not so useful but if more sliders were allowed, it can be used to aim camera at ground targets while flying for areal photography
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6,638 HalfAssedSpaceGuy
@crowxe I can't remember how exactly, but it's something like you change the hinge inputs to [whatever the name of your craft is].[Name of your crafts vizzy program].[Variable name]
6,638 HalfAssedSpaceGuy
There is actually a way to map hinge inputs directly to vizzy variables so that you can have more hinges!
5,769 SelectAKey
its kinda like a gimbal. i like it. dont have a use but easy enough to remember how to do! thanks for treading the way
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@gopherguts2 thanks, i'll try around that