Note: I had no idea the B-21 was a thing when I made this.
The craft has yaw control, and be sure to use it so you don't die.
It carriers 12 bombs in it's stock configuration and they're activated by staging. There is also a cockpit thqt carriers 2 piolets (it's in the front)
Also if you like this craft be sure to check out my YT channel Zacotor, and be sure to have fun!
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25.6k XionmassResearchDevt
It's very basic. No cockpit. But it looks ok. Flies great . Good job sofar
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@XionmassResearchDevt thank you, I tend to make my crafts simple for multiple reasons but mainly because it's my style. That's why there's no cockpit 😅 but there is a crew compartment. Also sorry the reply took so long, I didn't think such a talented builder would even see this. Again thank you for the feedback!