According to my observation, I think this is the best Orion Crew Module on the SR2 website so far, and that is my target for this craft. Even though i spent a lot of time on it, some problems still cannot be fixed, sincerely hope that any master(SR2 player) can give a hand.

i have spent so much time on it, my target for this craft is to get 10 upvotes, if i get ten upvotes from here, i will add an LAS(launch abort system) on it.


  1. do not turn on activation group 5 and 6 at the same time.

  2. Orion is a craft that designed for water landing. i will add a soft landing Vizzy program later if i get 10 upvotes from here.

  3. there are six side interstage on the top of the craft that connect with nothing, they are designed for connecting the crew module with the launch escape tower.

IMPORTANT: the technic of the hatch was learned from @Riksh, so sorry that i didn't tell him.

problems and defects:

  1. the parachute. in SR2, three parachutes can't slow down a 15-ton stuff to the speed under 10m/s, even though i change the size of the parachutes to 300% and edit part scale, it still has a landing speed about 22m/s, it can only land in the water. my problem is that i can't find enough space to put a parachute base.

  2. attitude control. even though i change the power of RCSs to 1000%, the craft still can't be controlled well. the position of the RCSs and the direction of the RCSs are restored the real crafts.


  1. the heaviest Orion Crew Module so far. Because the details make the craft heavier.(i didn't edit the mass), but it's still not heavy enough(compare with the real one, 22tons)

  2. it has REAL docking port that designed by me

  3. the first Orion Crew Module that contains four astronauts.

  4. the structure is constructed based on the real one.(you can compare mine with the Orion of here

  5. the RCSs, almost every Orion Crew module before didn't restore this detail well, they noticed that but just use a piece of color instead, because that is a hard part.

welcome to leave a comment below

if you have learned any technics from here, please leave an upvote.

if you want to use my craft in your SLS or other crafts, please let me know before you use it


  • Successors 7 craft(s) +77 bonus
  • Created On: Mac
  • Game Version: 0.9.404.0
  • Price: $26,022k
  • Number of Parts: 476
  • Dimensions: 3 m x 5 m x 5 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 1kN
  • Engines: 4
  • Wet Mass: 14,656kg
  • Dry Mass: 9,568kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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  • Profile image
    255 CFXA

    hi bro i am using your "window part" for my craft thx, cuz i have no idea how you made the windows...

    6 months ago
  • Profile image
    255 CFXA

    hi bro i am using your "window part" for my craft thx, cuz i have no idea how you made the windows...

    6 months ago
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    962 bjbj666

    @Slaviguy i have to say, your docking system has a really low versatility, you need to make some changes or your project can't be approved by most people.
    by the way, you can upvote this craft😊

    4.6 years ago
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    150 Slaviguy

    currently i am working on two other space stations which are both collaborations with other users, one of which is orbiting luna and another is in ldo
    both use a more recent adaptation of my docking system which follows the same docking system standard and is compatible with the older system but has a better hatch system
    additionally, there will be a docking adapter for a newer, better, more compact docking system developed exclusively for the 9mic

    4.6 years ago
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    962 bjbj666

    @Slaviguy but your space station is creative, using pistons to connect is interesting, amazing.

    4.6 years ago
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    962 bjbj666

    @Slaviguy if you mean the one in green is the crew capsule, can you tell me how does the astronaut pass through the fuel tank 39 to enter the capsule? and also, the diameter of fuel tank 39 is too small, an astronaut can't pass through.

    4.6 years ago
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    150 Slaviguy

    the cargo bays are not the docking port, it is the eva airlock, and the crew can fit through it
    the capsule of the 9mi docked to the station can fit crew inside, and the orbital module can fit them too
    the entire station is linked together with custom docking ports that allow crew transfer, including the docked 9mi spacecraft
    the sao2 is not uploaded because nobody asked for it and the 9mic is also not uploaded

    4.6 years ago
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    962 bjbj666

    @Slaviguy sorry, i can't find "9mic" and "sao2 shuttle" in SR2.

    1. the docking port of your craft is too narrow, you need to test wether an astronaut can pass through it in the space. i saw you use two Cargo Bay as a airlock cabin, that's a good design, but it's still too narrow.
    2. it is not called a CREW MODULE.
    4.6 years ago
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    150 Slaviguy

    my docking system allows crew transfer and there is a habitable volume
    this is particularly noticeable in the sao2 shuttle i made and the new 9mic spacecraft, which allows crew to float inside the orbital module

    4.6 years ago
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    962 bjbj666

    @Slaviguy sorry, i have to admit that sentence is wrong. BUT
    1. your craft dose mot match my description, if you download mine and make a compare, you will know how big the difference is. A. the "docking port" of your CREW MODULE is just a fuel tank and the diameter is too small, an astronaut in the space need a big space to move. B. the only part that can contain some astronaut moving is not a CREW MODULE, that should be called as a cabin of a space station.

    1. i have made an "Orion 1.0" that do match the description, so "the first crew module in SR2 that has a real docking port and an astronaut can pass through in the space" does contradict my previous work.

    2. i said that conclusion is according to my observation, i haven't seen any craft that match the description from other people. if you have seen any, you can provide the link to that craft.

    by the way, thanks for your comment and your notice.

    4.6 years ago
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    150 Slaviguy

    "the first crew module in SR2 that has a real docking port and an astronaut can pass through in the space."
    this is not true, many crafts including mine (not uploaded except 9mi and sosa) have this feature

    4.6 years ago
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    962 bjbj666

    @Silentime thank you so much for your patient and detailed explanation, i got it!

    4.6 years ago
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    1,873 Silentime

    The relative position of RCS and mass center also affects flight stability. When there is an angle between the RCS and the center of mass plane, the aircraft will have rolling moment. Because there is a dynamic force in RCS, the larger the angle is, the better the flight angle control is, and the smaller the angle is, the better the lateral control is

    4.6 years ago
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    1,873 Silentime

    @bjbj666 In jundroo technology, the impact area of aircraft and air directly affects the resistance size. The larger area of the heat shield is more stable due to a tilt of about 0.3 degrees at the gravity center of the process, while the area behind the heat shield may not be within the calculation range

    4.6 years ago
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    962 bjbj666

    @Patelsh24 thank you so much, i learned a lot from there.

    4.6 years ago
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    6,725 Patelsh24

    @bjbj666 make sure the COM isn’t in the exact center of the capsule. And then just figure out where to point the center of mass and it will make controlling it a lot easier. I would suggest looking at Scott manleys ballistic vs aerodynamic reentry video

    4.6 years ago
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    962 bjbj666

    @Silentime yes, the yellow and red indicator does not overlap, i think it's the problem of the toggle center but not the gravity center.
    why the part scale of the heat shied affects?

    4.6 years ago
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    1,873 Silentime

    @bjbj666For the toggle center, the center indicators, yellow and red indicate that the vertical axis does not overlap.In the heat shield XML(Config partScale="2.9,2.9,2.9" /)It is suggested that a new one should be replaced.

    4.6 years ago
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    962 bjbj666

    @Gozinya thank you, your works are even better.

    +1 4.6 years ago
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    962 bjbj666

    @Patelsh24 i mean maybe the position of the RCSs is not good for altitude control.

    4.6 years ago
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    962 bjbj666

    @Silentime thanks for your help, but i still have some confusions:
    1. what do you mean by "gravity center is inclined"? as my observation, the gravity center is at the center of the craft.

    1. what do you mean by "It doesn't seem to be a normal data" of the heat shield, i can't understand what's the problem you mean.
    4.6 years ago
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    962 bjbj666

    @Patelsh24 could you please give an advice how to increase the lift of it, i don't know how to increase the lift of a reentry module...

    4.6 years ago
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    1,873 Silentime

    One of the main reasons is that the gravity center is inclined and the toggle center is not on the central axis.
    It seems to be related to the heat shield in part 812. It doesn't seem to be a normal data.

    4.6 years ago
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    6,725 Patelsh24

    @bjbj666 well the thing is, it’s good at high speeds, but when coming in at mere orbital speeds it does lose control when trying to do an aerodynamic reentry. It isn’t producing enough lift at relatively lower speeds, so there is a sweet spot where you will get insane gs, which doesn’t really matter but for realism sakes it could be a problem. Still an amazing build btw!

    4.6 years ago
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    43.9k goz

    So good, great work!

    4.6 years ago
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