trying my luck in UI designs.
cool tech for upcoming fighter jet.
just an mfd which controls a a radar dish which controls SARH missiles.
lose track lose missile type
AAM20 & AAM40
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254 HumanoidCreature
@Freeskyaerospace and where is forums? i only see discord forums on yt, i dont use discord and will never
0 Samps0n
@TritonAerospace Cool, not i am sure what that means in functionality but I will find out before you can possibly reply!
20.3k Freeskyaerospace
@HumanoidCreature Go to forums, and then there is a post formatting guide at the top, but you pretty much do (link)[the words you want in blue] like that, parenthesis, brackets
254 HumanoidCreature
hey tritonaerospace, i have a question: how can i make a link to a craft? (i do not know how i can make an button to my crafts, like those blue text thingies)
@Freeskyaerospace i see: more, newest and stuff like that, not the post formatting thing at the top. or is it that im blind..