Auto Credit Based on LunAerospace's D.R.A.C.O Concept (NASA x DARPA) *V5 Updated*

V9 Coming Soon!

PSA: I hope this gains traction like some of the other crafts, because even though it may not be accurate 100% I have really went through a lot trying to build this (endless crashes, random objects grabbing, undos not undoing)

With that being said, behold the V8 D.R.A.C.O Concept (Updates below) with my custom made “V.A.R.P”(Variable Angle Rocket Platform)
- Slider 4- [0-100%]

Controlled through AG not Stages

Made in RSS

*The Demonstration for Rocket to Agile Cislunar Operations (DRACO) spacecraft is a new Concept by DARPA and NASA which will demonstrate a nuclear thermal rocket engine for future use. Nuclear thermal propulsion technology could be used for future NASA crewed missions to Mars and even possibly Other celestials

I’m trying my best to make a full fledged concept that way we can all see what it’s like before it’s really here.

AG 1- SRB Ignition & Main Booster On
AG 6- SRB Detach
AG 2- DARPA Release
AG 3- DARPA Detach & Delivery/Cargo Stage
Telescope Release on stage 4
AG 4- Cargo/Delivery release & Celestial Module systems Start
AG 5- Lander Capsule Detach
AG 7- Capsule Re-Entry Protocol
AG-8 - Celestial Module & Lander Capsule Landing Systems On/Off
AG 9 - Celestial Module Solar Panels
AG 10- RCS/ V.A.R.P Lights

V8 Updates-

Added V.A.R.P
- “This platform allows for 10 degrees of angle variation so your rockets can get a running start!”
- Added more fuel to SRB’s
-Changed from Ramp Up to Steady Grain
- Changed RCS Placement in multiple places
- Added solar panels
- Top of “D.R.A.C.O” Module more 1:1

Thanks for trying :)



  • Total Delta V: 215.6km/s
  • Total Thrust: 20.1MN
  • Engines: 32
  • Wet Mass: 3.97E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 3.52E+6kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 3 47m/s 825kN 3.8m 3.97E+6kg
2 3 105m/s 1.7MN 3.9m 3.97E+6kg
4 2 174m/s 16.4MN 41s 3.97E+6kg
5 3 0m/s 11kN 42s 3.97E+6kg
7 4 124.1km/s 739kN 1.31days 49,908kg
8 6 28.1km/s 45kN 4.52hours 24,320kg
10 4 34.5km/s 236kN 1.13hours 13,631kg
11 6 28.6km/s 186kN 24.8m 13,631kg


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    It’s definitely been a tough build @CanadaDucK especially with all that on iPhone lol, but I’m dedicated and really want to get this Module as close as I can. Really loving my platform I made as well, let me know if you’d be interested in just the platform with connect points.

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    19.7k CanadaDucK

    I feel your pain…

    +1 2.0 years ago


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