A drone with automatic stabilizer and automatic landing
Autonomy of ~ 1 hour
Maximum ceiling in Droo: 5.56km
Maximum speed 70m/s or Mach 0.2
Land on any flat spot
Equipped with a camera for filming
SLIDERS-stabilizer on
Throttle UP
Brake Down
Pitch [ +Forward | -Back ]
Roll Normal
Yaw Normal
4-Invert Yaw Roll
This drone is still in testing so it may have problems when landing, but it complies with a estabilizer and automatic landing
If you are having problems with the drone, please report to me, thank you, if you are on the Juno server on discord @IASR , we better talk there
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2,438 Bielzinho767
@Wills123 In the properties of the cargo bay there is "has base" in the first one if you set false it adds the bottom part of the cargo bay leaving only the port
7,713 Wills123
Really cool! I’m curious to how you made the blade protectors? It said half cargo bay but there wasn’t the other half
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@Blindos157 tem como usar ele como sensor é só colocar sua posição no primeiro e sua posição multiplicado por -1 no segundo slot e converter em latitude longitude e AGL