A technology demonstrator of the most supreme form of stealth- invisibility
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5,277 SilverstoneAerospace
@honestlyidonthaveaname it's the simplest thing I've built really, I was just goofing around with mfds when I made this. I was surprised when people actually seemed to like this😅😅
I figured out how it worked in like 30 seconds flat. I know how it turns invisible. what I don't know is if he/she wants me to tell ya. but that's never stopped me so ya. look at the panels. they are mfd's(multi function displays.) mfd's font is always white no matter how you paint it(I think) so he made invisible mfd's and made the mfd's put a white screen on when ag4 is on so it becomes visible. everything else thats not an mfd except the langing gears are invisible as he cant display stuff on them. EZ. yw yall and if the creator really doesnt want his secret out he can remove this comment.
11.5k Chtite451SR2
@Craigdimension @Gen3ralInterstel1ar glass... i dont knpw how it becomes invisible, but he used glass XD... and sooner or later were gonna see a "plane" that basically is 99% invisible XD
11.5k Chtite451SR2
it must be completely invisible... XD then if jundroo makes multiplayer on SR2 other players will never see me coming lol
@SilverstoneAerospace lol the best inventions aren't made on purpose! this is an amazing craft and I love the attention to detail. its hard to make a round plane with only squares. in fact I'm trying to use this same technique but I'm having trouble with the shaping :'(