Qasid is a three-stage satellite carrier that used Qadr military ballistic missile in its first stage. This stage with a length of 12.9 meters and a diameter of 1.25 meters in this missile has passed its test many times and was a safe, cheap and available option to shorten the development path of the messenger-style satellite carrier in the IRGC Aerospace Force. The propellant of the first stage of Qased is of liquid fuel type, which created 32 tons of thrust and separated from the satellite carrier in the first launch at an altitude of 80 km and after 118 seconds of operation.

But in the second stage, Qased uses a new propellant and solid fuel named Salman, which has excellent features among the country's aerospace products. Salman uses a lightweight non-metallic carbon fiber body as well as insulation and a non-metallic engine shell, which has significantly reduced its weight.

The Salman space engine was unveiled in February 2018 and one of its important features is to be equipped with a moving nozzle to guide and correct the path instead of using blocks installed in the nozzle opening, which was used for the first time in domestically manufactured solid fuel engines. .

The moving nozzle causes no part of the propulsion power to be wasted and the engine efficiency is higher than the previous driving method. This propellant created about 6 tons of thrust and gave energy to the satellite up to a height of 415 km in the first launch.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $25,772,585k
  • Number of Parts: 59
  • Dimensions: 22 m x 4 m x 3 m


  • Total Delta V: 5.9km/s
  • Total Thrust: 586kN
  • Engines: 2
  • Wet Mass: 32,155kg
  • Dry Mass: 5,053kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 3.5km/s 519kN 2.0m 32,155kg
3 1 2.4km/s 67kN 1.9m 5,002kg


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