See pinned comment for instructions on how to make your own.
I’ve been working on a way to put images onto MFDs for making custom logos and other things... well here is an example: the SR2 logo. Feel free to use it for whatever, it might make a nice space station decoration. The image is 125x125px, and will automatically start generating once you launch the craft. It does take a few minutes to fully load, so be patient. You can resize the screen as needed, just keep it a square.
This program could be pretty easily adapted for pretty much any image... I found an online thing that gives RGB values for the pixels of an image, then put that into vizzy, and use that to generate the texture. If anyone is interested in using it for other images lmk and I can try and make some better instructions. The process is a bit tedious and works best if you know how to edit xml.
- Successors 1 craft(s)
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version: 0.9.616.1
- Price: $626k
- Number of Parts: 2
- Dimensions: 2 m x 3 m x 2 m
- Total Delta V: 0m/s
- Total Thrust: 0N
- Engines: 0
- Wet Mass: 1,096kg
- Dry Mass: 1,090kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
Here are some instructions on how to add your own images. It’s a bit long, hopefully I didn’t miss anything.
I probably could, but @Gozinya already made one here along with a bunch of other logos, so it’s probably easier to just use that. His logos are partially what inspired this, although I think I used a pretty different method of getting pixel colors. @Ilikef35
I made a Java program operating in consol to convert picture (Which squeezed out my poor programming knowledge).The only problems are no GUI (not convenient to operate as yours) and too slow when converting a huge picture(1080p takes about 20s).You are welcome and good luck.
Wow yours are really high quality. I didn’t realize there’s no character limit on part names but that would definitely be easier than what I did. Good to know. Also the image converter I used only gave rgb not hex, but I bet I could find a hex one that would save a lot of space. Thx for the tips! @SiRoiTan
Hi.I made almost the same thing few weeks ago.I just checked your Vizzy program and find some things can be optimized.Like
1.The color(s) can directly use "#" and 6 digits Hex number per pixel with no seperator(like #c1c1c1#c2c2c2).When rendering a pixel , just use "Letters 1+7((y-1)Width+x-1) to 7((y-1)Width+x)"(x,y start from 1) to get the color.(This can reduce the size of data . It's good for larger picture.)
2.Picture data beter put into other part.Because when the data is too huge , it will be a disaster to edit Vizzy(even can't load the edit page properly).The best way i know is use "Broadcast to craft" or simply put into a part name and hide the part into other larger part.
Here are 2 videos of mine screen(?)
This one is 1 1080p picture
And this one is using it to play badApple!!! in 256x192 resolution
I can't upload this craft because it always gives me an error when uploading (maybe it's too huge?1.8Gb).
Yup go with 10,000 instructions per frame and it should generate in about a second depending on processor.
Wait I didn’t know you could do that, do you mean by increasing the max instructions per frame? That would be a good idea, it does take a really long time. @Gozinya
Haha I just realized you didn’t overclock the MFD! You gotta do that next time to make it draw faster (< 1 sec). Great work with this, though. Good to see someone else in the logo game XD.
Now, reality can be whatever I want
Yay. A new “magical” MFD thing
Easter Egg
Any way you could do video with this?
Noooooooooo. But but but I’m so good in SP!!!! @Hannah1212
Sry I’m not doing requests at the moment, but I am going to make some instructions on how to put any image you want into the code. @Staticalliam7
No mods on mobile so sadly you can’t use overload.... this is how I learned to do it. @Chicken255
Question: noob here, hey, how do you access XML on iOS on SR2 I’m an SP pro and know my way around XML so would like to make some funny projects with suicide rockets, how would I access the menu for overload?
can you do my logo?
@StarhopperAerospace rick roll time
I can't wait for the ability to integrate external links such as YouTube videos into SR2
Make Obama prism
Pixel by pixel
it's just amazing!
Awesome 👍
DANG...... do you think you could make a NASA logo? Preferably the NASA meatball logo.
Oh my
w o a h