The T-1L Lunar Dropship is the next model in the T Series transport craft. A variant of the T-1, the T-1L is designed for operations on the lunar surface and as a shuttle between crafts in low lunar orbit. Unlike it’s T Series predecessor, the T-1L is incapable of atmospheric flight, yet also unlike it’s T Series predecessor, it is far more stable in orbital flight. It has four VTOL engines located on its undercarriage and a primary engine located in the aft for orbital propulsion. The T-1L likewise has external landing gear that assist with descent over any lunar environment.

Two beacons located on it’s forward section provide headlight for night time flight. There are shock resistant landing struts complimented by four landing struts for rough landings. The VTOL engines are contained in bays around the edge, the bays do not close, they act as semi-covers for the engine cones. There is also a cargo bay which opens underhand. The craft has a full cockpit instrument layout to assist the pilot in take off, orbit, docking and landing. It is best to keep the craft in a low orbital profile for surface to surface flight plans. It is also best to set the throttle to no more than 10% for VTOL take off.


  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version: 0.9.802.0
  • Price: $79,756k
  • Number of Parts: 172
  • Dimensions: 3 m x 3 m x 7 m


  • Total Delta V: 41.3km/s
  • Total Thrust: 266kN
  • Engines: 10
  • Wet Mass: 4,301kg
  • Dry Mass: -4,166,632kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 4 19.6km/s 229kN 11.21hours 4,301kg
2 1 21.6km/s 36kN 3.27days 4,301kg


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    600 aesnwo

    Aye that’s true, it’s an absolute nightmare to try and dock it. The next variant will be more stable as I work out the kinks. @Dereric

    3.3 years ago
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    242 Dereric

    Nice cockpit, but (on Luna) it flies a little unstable. With locked heading it rotates over all 3 axes. But all overall it looks nice, and with some little improvements it can become a really good docking shuttle or something like this.

    +1 3.3 years ago


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