Introducing the newest addition to our SeanAir fleet! Loosely based on a DHC-8-400 this comfortable and sleek airliner will get you to any destination easily. Includes (optional as always) auto-takeoff Vizzy script that will get you off the ground safely, auto-gear to make sure you never land belly first and easy flap control.
Please let me know what you think, even if you hate it! I put way too much time in my crafts but each time I learn so much so I'll keep doing it.
AG2: Parking Brakes on/off
AG3: Auto-Takeoff
AG4: Auto-Gear (automatically retracts and deploys landing gear)
AG5: Flaps (each activation is +20% flaps, resets to 0 after 100)
AG7: Landing Lights
AG8: Landing Gear
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1,304 JLaerospace
Keep up the good work man, I like your style! Maybe on your next plane try some more custom jet engines/landing gear/flaps, would really spice it up ;)
525 Crazyman552588
Yo like the plane, btw that looks like bombardier dash 8 q400, is that what this is based off of?
1,987 Liftey
Just found your account and I really like what you do, keep it up. Btw instead of using repeat 1000 in your code u can use the while true block to repeat forever.
@JLaerospace thank you so much! Definitely thinking of things like that