This craft was purpose built for career mode cargo delivery, but can be used for other missions as well. Operating statistics and parameters are as follows.
Wet Mass- 100 t
Takeoff speed- 150 m/s
Max climb angle- 17 degrees
20,000 meters ASL ceiling
590 m/s top speed (1.75 mach)
Fly time (max thrust) 6 hours
Total starting mass 100t
12,500 meters ASL ceiling
300 m/s top speed (0.88 mach)
Fly time 3.5 hours (max thrust)
Total mass 150 t
Cargo can easily be shipped across the world, using efficient navigating. For delivery, slow the aircraft to under 175 m/s, and activate AG1 for cargo release. If you have the patience, the aircraft should have enough fuel for a return to the nearest airfield for recovery. Good luck!