Would love some feedback!
This is my first build, a buggy to explore Luna's surface. Had to redo this a bunch of times and I know it's not perfect, would love to hear how I can improve. The buggy wasn't really thought out at all as a payload, so this is definitely cumbersome and over-engineered.
First stage should take you comfortably to a 100 km orbit. It will deorbit itself after separating. Second stage will take you to Luna and deorbit. Landing stage for touchdown, I found this stage quite unstable.
After switching back to the Buggy, AG1 is headlights, AG2 the wheels, wheel throttle is on pitch control (W/S). The wheels are way too strong for Luna's gravity so this thing is always in the air. Slider 1 moves camera up, Slider 2 pans it. AG9 is solar panels.
- Created On: Mac
- Game Version: 0.9.404.0
- Price: $53,441k
- Number of Parts: 322
- Dimensions: 49 m x 13 m x 13 m
- Total Delta V: 9.2km/s
- Total Thrust: 15.8MN
- Engines: 22
- Wet Mass: 9.35E+5kg
- Dry Mass: 76,121kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
1 | 6 | 5.4km/s | 12.0MN | 3.2m | 9.35E+5kg |
3 | 0 | 0m/s | 0N | 0s | 81,367kg |
4 | 4 | 2.8km/s | 507kN | 4.5m | 81,367kg |
6 | 4 | 954m/s | 109kN | 2.3m | 18,845kg |
7 | 4 | 22m/s | 1.6MN | 0s | 8,621kg |
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25.6k XionmassResearchDevt
@bubgigant I would try to make it, your talent, I'd rather you do it , and at a droo nought scale as manned .. plus that suspension would be a first on game, probably hot. Compact is good,
162 bubgigant
@XionmassResearchDevt thanks for the tip, cantilever suspension would definitely make it more compact, might try that for a future rover
25.6k XionmassResearchDevt
It looks like a Traxxas rc car .. I like.. look up cataliver suspension.. most common example is the Traxxas Revo you might take advantage of the unique suspension and remake it on SR2..
If you try this out, please let me know here what I should do better :)