Auto Credit Based on Cleptrophese's Starship SN15

It. Is. Here!

SpaceX's next generation rocket, the Starship. This is only the upper stage, with both sea-level Raptors and Vactors.

The elonerons work using the sliders and the activation groups 1 and 2. Raptors are lit with 4, Vactors with 3.

Activation groups:
AG1: Forward flaps
AG2: Aft flaps
AG3: Vactor start/shutoff
AG4: Sea-level Raptor start/shutoff
Slider 1: Forward flaps
Slider 2: Aft flaps



  • Predecessor: Starship SN15
  • Successors 5 craft(s)
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 0.9.704.0
  • Price: $70,589k
  • Number of Parts: 72
  • Dimensions: 56 m x 22 m x 9 m


  • Total Delta V: 5.3km/s
  • Total Thrust: 18.2MN
  • Engines: 6
  • Wet Mass: 8.03E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.42E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 6 5.3km/s 18.2MN 1.8m 8.03E+5kg

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