Demonstrator for the landing program Aries uses. To use, activate action group 3 and reduce horizontal velocity to fall towards a moon.

This automated suicide burn program is joined with a throttle controller that allows for a particularily soft landing (below 2 m/s). It also extends landing gear linked to action group 8.
The program can handle fairly angled approaches thanks to the cosine loss calculation included within.

To use, it is advisable to enter the code and adjust the ship's height while landed, (take a measure of your AGL while at DSC's large pad) and the engine spool-up time.

You get a steampunk color set as a bonus.


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $146k
  • Number of Parts: 8
  • Dimensions: 3 m x 2 m x 2 m


  • Total Delta V: 1.4km/s
  • Total Thrust: 8kN
  • Engines: 1
  • Wet Mass: 1,533kg
  • Dry Mass: 1,148kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
2 1 1.4km/s 8kN 3.8m 1,533kg


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    After the dozens of tests on Luna I've done, you had me worried.

    Yup, two things to adjust: the spool-up time is important, and the 'LandedHeight' might change things by a couple meters.

    2 months ago
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    2,072 TomKerbal

    @Spacecat2000 Ah, o.k., I increased the engine spool-up time from 0.5s to 2s . I really like it, very useful code. Nicely done! Tom.

    2 months ago
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    2,072 TomKerbal

    I really like this ! @Spacecat2000
    However, it's not quite ready for Luna (at least), I land there far too quickly (I haven't installed any mods). BUT, very nice ! Would you mind finishing it ? I'm currently programming a landing program for my Aldeberan, a suicide burn would be very nice for the last phase. Great, thank you!

    2 months ago

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