Auto Credit Based on Fyrem0th's Nexus Block A

I’m back! And this time with an improved version of Nexus. The Block B can pack in about 20t more hydrolox to fit real-world proportions. (Don’t forget, our team at Iridium Space is gonna make this a real rocket!) A 4m wide, 40m tall rocket could hold more than 50t of hydrolox- the stuff is NOT dense. With this added fuel and a new, even lighter carbon composite to make up its structure, Nexus Block B can deliver 15t to a 400km circular orbit in RSS! I know this because I personally tested it in @ZenithSpeed ‘s “VeryBasicSolarSystem” (link below, amazing system). Also the second stage has like 8.5km/s of Delta-V, so in any normal juno scale systems, this thing can go really damn far.


Instructions for RSS:

Activate stage 1 and throttle up to 100%. During this, activate AGs 1,2 & 3, and immediately disable AG1) AG1 is the inner engine, which is optimised for higher in the atmosphere)

Once 15km ASL is reached, turn off AG3 (engine set 2) and turn on AG1, the inner engine.

Keep going straight up, no gravity turning until apoapsis is ~250km. Then, gravity turn.

Once apoapsis reaches 400km, activate AG5 (staging) and do the usual for a reusable booster: perform a boostback burn to return to the launch site, because Nexus is a RTLS (return to launch site) vehicle. Then, switch to the second stage, reach orbit and switch back to the booster.

Activate AG2 (Engine set 1) to perform a reentry burn to slow down, before disabling it and switching to AG1. Ignite the centre engine when you feel it is right to begin the landing burn.

And you’re in orbit, with the booster recovered at the launch site. I’m sure you can figure out how to deorbit and recover stage 2. (Hint, there’s a parachute)

NOTE: In RSS, apoapsis has to be above 250km because if it’s below 250km, you won’t have enough time to get to orbit before the booster crashes. Hope this helps!


  • Predecessor: Nexus Block A
  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $94,674k
  • Number of Parts: 1289
  • Dimensions: 47 m x 4 m x 4 m


  • Total Delta V: 19.0km/s
  • Total Thrust: 3.1MN
  • Engines: 11
  • Wet Mass: 1.08E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 41,848kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 7 19.0km/s 2.2MN 3.5m 1.08E+5kg
3 0 0m/s 0N 0s 56,967kg

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