Squirrel cage Blower Concept . Anyone know why this doesn't work,??
i dont know.... technically this should work and create lift..
.. slider to turn the thrust direction.. if it had thrust tho....
Throttle for electric motor and internal blades
A video on an example what I'm trying to do with this
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24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
@SoulBlazer https://www.pelonistechnologies.com/squirrel-cage-fans like this pretty much
24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
@SoulBlazer really amazing!! Yrs it's for VTOL and can turn to fly. It's not on a craft yet, trying to get the concept to work first.. there will be four total in a craft . Like a VTOL
24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
@NebulaSpaceAgency https://youtu.be/QlXNEefLXz8. This is an example why
24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
@GBOAF101 for future propulsion on airplane and anything else . That I have plans for, a VTOL .. it would look better or just different than a electric ducted fan
24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
@Freeskyaerospace omg Iove peter stripol projects!!!!! Especially his ultra light planes
19.9k Freeskyaerospace
@XionmassResearchDevt the magnus effect is pretty hard to work with, and very inefficient. The proper physics probably aren’t even in the game. peter stripol vid on magnus effect
24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
@Freeskyaerospace sorta .. but it's a basic blower design..
24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
@CELESTIAL1this will be nice if it can get to work.. a different propulsion basically, but I don't think it's wanting to do intake and exhaust right
24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
@StigRuz it would be new propulsion basically in game if I can ever get it to work
24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
@NebulaSpaceAgency idk bub, it's built like a blower . The motor turns the wheel inside turning the tilted wings inside.. I was just trying to see if any more experienced players may know how to do it to where it would work in game. . I think the physics won't allow it. Air supposed to come In the side hole , in middle of wheel , pushing to the slit.. .. but .. I either have it off, or physics in-game won't do it
23.6k NebulaSpaceAgency
@XionmassResearchDevt i said make it out of wings, not put wings inside cargo bay
@XionmassResearchDevt oh yeah! He tried to make a plane with a pc fan recently