Career mode (no tinkering), Runway launched SSTO, capable of reaching Esperanza station and returning to droo successfully.
Fly to 10 km in line with required orbit, afterburn to ~1000 m/s orbital velocity at 10 degree incline. At 10% jet fuel cut jets and turn on rocket. Should be able to get to low orbit with 15 to 20% RP-1 remaining. On deorbital burn make sure to turn on final stage for parachutes and must be under 3000m/s ground velocity. Chutes will deploy at around 40 km ans cut at around 30 km. Use the remaining 10% jet fuel to get back to a runway and for reverse thrusters.
This SSTO will do the orbital rescue easily and is capable of getting to and from Esperanza.
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version:
- Price: $69,718k
- Number of Parts: 222
- Dimensions: 30 m x 16 m x 6 m
- Total Delta V: 3.8km/s
- Total Thrust: 1.8MN
- Engines: 3
- Wet Mass: 1.64E+5kg
- Dry Mass: 37,980kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
1 | 2 | 0m/s | 0N | 0s | 1.64E+5kg |
2 | 1 | 3.8km/s | 1.8MN | 3.4m | 1.64E+5kg |
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