*Note: This craft was designed for planets smaller than Droo.

A small-scale sucessor to the PR-03, the PRV-11 was designed with a multitude of upgrades that greatly improve the versitility of this spacecraft. This small personal VTOL SSTO can take off vertically and reach orbit around planets comparable in size and gravity to Cylero.

The PRV-11 has the capability to refuel when landed, making the range of this spacecraft virtually infinite. The one caveat, this spacecraft may require a booster craft to reach orbit around larger planets.

- Propeller engines
- Methalox rocket engines
- Monopropellant orbital thrusters
- VTOL engines
- Reverse thrusters
- Landing Assist program
- Self Refueling


  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $6,527k
  • Number of Parts: 152
  • Dimensions: 3 m x 6 m x 16 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 361kN
  • Engines: 15
  • Wet Mass: 20,094kg
  • Dry Mass: 8,545kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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    @lordvader0219 you just made my day, it's frav fictional aircraft

    one month ago
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    @Cooldude88 it may take a while. But it should be possible

    one month ago
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    Can you pretty please make the x-men x-jet ?

    one month ago
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    @lordvader0219 thank you

    one month ago
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    @Boby6Killercz the planet’s name is Ararat, from the Canaan Trinary System

    one month ago
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    Very nice craft 👍🏻. I want to ask what is the planet in the fifth picture?

    one month ago
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    @Wackmajor I edited the hidden properties of ion engines. I changed the fuel type to CH4/LOX and set the fuel consumption to negative

    +1 one month ago
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    336 Wackmajor

    @lordvader0219 Sorry, i ment how you where able to create the refuellling system :D

    one month ago
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    @Wackmajor to refuel. You first have to land. Select action group 7, 10x time warp, and then set throttle to max

    one month ago
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    I think it’s awesome.
    I wish someone built it irl

    one month ago
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    336 Wackmajor

    Nice Craft!
    Had a funny trip from Luna to Droo XD
    How is that refueling feature working?

    one month ago
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    Erm…….What the sigma?

    one month ago
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    26.6k Zenithspeed

    really cool design ngl

    one month ago
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    45 4554

    very good!

    one month ago
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    754 Fyrem0th

    That’s incredible! I would’ve never thought of the refuelling feature. I’d upvote if i had points :)

    Edit: i have points now, take my upvote :)

    +2 one month ago
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    19.1k CanadaDucK

    Most Excellent!

    one month ago


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