The AH-78 Attack Helicopter, proudly manufactured in the Republic of Igernia, emerged in the late 1980s as a testament to the nation's prowess in aerospace engineering. Recognizing the need for a formidable aerial platform, Igernian engineers collaborated closely with international partners to develop the AH-78, leveraging their expertise in advanced rotorcraft design.
With a focus on innovation and performance, the Igernian team integrated co-axial rotor and fly by wire technology into the AH-78, providing unparalleled maneuverability and agility on the battlefield. This groundbreaking design set the AH-78 apart from its contemporaries, establishing it as a flagship product of Igernian aerospace excellence.
Upon entering service in the early 1990s, the AH-78 quickly garnered acclaim for its outstanding performance in combat operations. Igernian pilots and ground crews praised its versatility and reliability, as it demonstrated superiority in a wide range of missions, from anti-tank engagements to air support for ground troops.
Throughout its service life, the AH-78 underwent continuous upgrades and enhancements, with Igernian engineers incorporating cutting-edge avionics, weapon systems, and sensor technologies to maintain its combat effectiveness in evolving theatres of operation.
Today, the AH-78 proudly serves as a symbol of Igernia's commitment to innovation and defense excellence, with its legacy extending far beyond national borders as a trusted ally and formidable adversary on the modern battlefield.
Main rotors:Ag1
Turbofan Engines:Ag2
Landing gear:Ag8
Machine gun:Slider 1
Targeting pod:Slider 2
- Successors 3 craft(s) +7 bonus
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Price: $4,420k
- Number of Parts: 62
- Dimensions: 6 m x 8 m x 22 m
- Total Delta V: 0m/s
- Total Thrust: 600N
- Engines: 4
- Wet Mass: 30,579kg
- Dry Mass: 27,133kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
1 | 2 | 0m/s | 0N | 0s | 30,579kg |
@Boredplanet Hello friend, I've made my own, wanna try ? 😉