The Kanots - 1 nicknamed Affrin is a multipurpose two seater double engine aircraft capable of mach 1-3 speeds. Equipped with DDRU Radar Systems and two front Kulak Kanards, also equipped sith the BKUGh8 Modern Screen Systems. Created during 2000 by the company Konats and is one of Azerkistans most advanced jets. Its main roles are Interception and air to air combat. Serving from 2001 to 2024 and is in use today. With two K-902HUJP Engines, it was very heavy but allowed for high speeds. There are 2 pilots, the Directional Coordinator and the Secondary Weapon Systems Officer. 389 were manufactured and are still be made today, 255 are in service right now, while 2 were lost in battle showing how capable the aircraft was. To fly this aircraft the pilots would have to take a 2 month flight progam to learn the aircrafts systems, on an average only about 4 people pass this classmout of the 20 pilots who signed up. Created by the company Konats hy engineer “ Urfkin Okinistwa “ and is a third party of many other companys like Domka who created the radar systems and Stempps Flight Association designing and supplying the wings and Canards, the Konats company was founded during 1936 as a gun manufacturer, then turning in a vehicle manufacturer during 1941. ( Very hard to fly )
@PanzerTeam1 thank you, I try to make as realistic as possible lore wise