this is the S500, an all terrain troop transportation vehicle.
the vehicle can go 80 m/s (288 kmph) (179 mph)
it has:
lights (obviously)
a pretty big crew compartment, capable of holding 16 crew members (17 with the "driver")
(this took me 1/2 weeks without the time me not playing this game)
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254 HumanoidCreature
i want to make a formula -ish vehicle, i want to make something fast. will not paint it tho, i am gonna keep it as simple as possible
254 HumanoidCreature
@ToadAeronautics i will. sad that you gave up on the aircraft, maybe you can make it when you're more expirienced
330 ToadAeronautics
@HumanoidCreature Not going well, after a while I gave up. I will likely come back to it sometime in the future. also, please check out my first Vizzy rocket, I would like feedback, as I watched zero tutorials and just attempted without any knowledge. I needs improvement.
330 ToadAeronautics
This is actually good, I am making an aircraft made entirely out of structural panels
got that not for mobile warning, i made this on mobile haha