Stage one: landing legs (+safety)
Stage two: parachute
Then you can exit the drop pod (if you are on the ground)
Experiments show you have a 30% chance of dying from pilot error, 12% chance of melting in re entry, 8% chance of hitting the ground too hard and 50% chance of successfully killing Covenant bastards.
Totally not based off the ODST drop pod totaaaally.
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@Chtite451SR2 @Chtite451SR2 I put a single f word and it got removed, now I made a clean version.
11.5k Chtite451SR2
and clean version? did the mods warn you for putting something innapropriate here? (dont say the words pls if so)
11.5k Chtite451SR2
too bad there isnt the format to add a line in the center of the sentence :( then it would have been better XD, not bad
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Is it clean now?