Auto Credit Based on Caleb001's The Big Fast 4.0 (Unlimited dV)

Based on Caleb001’s “The Big Fast 4.0”, but massively modified by me. Tons of activation groups, and enough delta V to go anywhere easily, nearly indestructable.

This craft is reliant on activation groups over staging, so be sure to open the activation group panel!

Top capsule is a fully self contained spacecraft, with its own landing legs, battery, fuel, and engines (the Escape activation group). The first stage is the capsule separation, the second drops the capsule heat shield and landing legs etc.

Main craft has RCS, solar panels, nearly infinite fuel/battery. The Mains provide traditional rocket thrust, while the Star Drive provides insane power.

During launch, be careful when closing the landing legs at higher speeds, it can be unstable when they close, be sure to set a heading and it seems to correct better.

Enjoy exploring!



  • Total Delta V: 18.3km/s
  • Total Thrust: 16.0MN
  • Engines: 12
  • Wet Mass: 19,573kg
  • Dry Mass: -11,575,830kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
3 4 18.3km/s 112kN 43.8m 1,556kg


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