This is my 787 Dreamliner, it took me a while to finish.
As for the painting, I tried to do something similar to Vietnam Airlines, but it didn't look so good.
Hope you like it
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1,289 JLaerospace
As for the plane, I really like the look of the plane. Would be nice if there was turning angle on the front gear. When I turn, I have great roll control but would be nice if I'd have slightly faster pitch, but that can be a personal preference of mine. The flaps deflection angle of a typical airliner is 40° if I recall correctly and might be a little high on your craft. I really like the little lights and custom landing gear and suspension. Overall, I like this quite much and you've definitely deserved my upvote. Sorry for the wall of text haha
1,289 JLaerospace
@Spaceinc yes, there is quite a lot of overrated stuff and underrated stuff on this site
9,908 Gamerxlol
You know what I actually care that people put efforts into thier build, unlike people do too me so I'll upvote, backstory I worked a so much on an vizzy and people just didn't even care
It ain't friendly to my oppo a5s