Full scale replica of DDG 51 Aleigh Burke missile destroyer. Flight 1 deck configuration. Main gun, forward and rear phalanx, and mast searchlight are all moveable. Bridge doors open, bridge is also walkable. Missle hatches open with 14 launchable cruise missiles (7 fwd/ 7 aft). Flight deck is landable for a helo.
Slider 1 is main engines rpm
Throttle is manuvering engine RPM
Yaw slider is rudder/maneuvering
Slider 2 is gun/phalanx/searchlight rotation
Slider 3 is gun/phalanx/searchlight elevation
Slider 4 is camera zoom. Bridge/searchligh/flightdeck/mast nightvission
Break slider is open/close brige doors
For guns/searchlight select which one in the action groups you want to control or multiple at once then use sliders to move around.
To fire missiles, open the missile hatchs with the action group. Then just hit the stage button. Each hit of the stage button will launch one cruise missile.
Ship is vannilla however is to tall for career launch, im working on a folding mast verson to be able to use it in career mode.