Update Available!

Telescope (V0.1 - Beta)


  1. Introduction
  2. Pictures
  3. Features
  4. How to use (Automatic)
  5. How to use (Manual)
  6. Controls
  7. Credits
    7.1. Special Thanks


An earth-based Observatory that can automatically track any moon, planet or even star.

  1. Tydos
  2. Cylero
  3. Sergeaa
  4. Vulco
  5. Urados
  6. Handrew's Comet

All images were uploaded exactly as taken in JNO. No image was cropped or zoomed in in any other way afterwards.

  • Automatic Tracking
  • Manual Control
  • Zoom up to a 0.0005 FOV that was even further increased thanks to a 16× scaled camera

How to use (Automatic)
  1. Set the object you want to track as Target
  2. If neccessary, warp to a time where your target is visible
  3. Enable AG1
  4. Use Forward to Zoom
  5. If neccessary, use Pitch and Yaw for minor corrections

How to use (Manual)
  1. Enable AG2
  2. Use Forward, Pitch and Yaw as controls

  • Forward = Zoom
  • Throttle = Zoom sensitivity
  • Pitch = Pitch / Pitch correction
  • Yaw = Heading / Heading correction

Special Thanks to:
  • Charodey for explaining the input (upload with comments and explanation linked)
  • You for reading this description and hopefully downloading my telescope - I hope you like it!


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $13,700k
  • Number of Parts: 16
  • Dimensions: 8 m x 25 m x 25 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 0
  • Wet Mass: 5.01E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 5.01E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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    This is what happens when you make a programmer design something - it has tons of battery (it literally lasts for years without loosing a single percent), but it looks like... I don't even know. By the way, if you ever get a message telling you the telescope ran out of battery: It didn't, that's just a bug. I'd be really surprised if anyone manages to even use up 1 %.

    Pinned 8 days ago
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    2,415 lafario

    @TheVizzyLucky Thx man!

    4 days ago
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    4 days ago
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    2,415 lafario

    Could you get a picture link for the planets I've made, Thier called Vorenda and Maia? I need them for a post amma make

    5 days ago
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    @Survisor Theoretically, V0.2 can track satellites, but I don't think the zoom is good enough for that.

    5 days ago
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    @Survisor It currently can't track satellites, I'll try to implement it in a future update.

    5 days ago
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    2,415 lafario

    @TheVizzyLucky the text one seems very easy to understand, Thx again man!

    5 days ago
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    @lafario The blue texts are links, you make them with [text](link), so, for example, if you want the text to say "google" and the link is "https://www.google.com" it looks like this: [google](https://www.google.com)
    The lines are much easier, that's just three underscores.
    Everything is explained here.

    5 days ago
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    2,415 lafario

    @TheVizzyLucky how did you make the text in your bio blue, Also how did you make them fading lines.

    6 days ago
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    2,415 lafario

    @TheVizzyLucky ok ty man!

    6 days ago
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    @lafario Sure, I'll try tomorrow.

    6 days ago
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    2,415 lafario

    @TheVizzyLucky can you do it for me I've tryed and its not working!

    6 days ago
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    @lafario That's done with min FOV and camera size. You can set scale in cameraVantage to a high value and set part scale to a low value.

    6 days ago
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    2,415 lafario

    @TheVizzyLucky How do I make it so I can zoom in really close on mars jupiter? etc.

    6 days ago
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    @lafario In Tinker Panel. Camera's properties > open Tinker Panel > click on "Edit hidden properties" > find tab "CameraVantage" (2 to the left I think) > find property "fieldOfViewMin", Change that to a really low value just over 0 (like 0.0005). Wasn't it tinkered before?
    Edit: Just saw your new comment; You could try 0.0005 as fieldOfViewMin, I think that should increase your max zoom.

    6 days ago
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    2,415 lafario

    @TheVizzyLucky My setup: Field of view: Is -50
    Field of view max: Is 300
    Field of view min: Is -70

    6 days ago
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    2,415 lafario

    @TheVizzyLucky we're do i find the fov??

    6 days ago
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    @lafario If there are any problems when implementing, feel free to ask. Also, you could try sth like 0.0005 as min FOV, maybe that increases the max zoom... I don't know how the game handles negative FOVs, so I can't predict how much improvement there is though.

    6 days ago
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    2,415 lafario

    @TheVizzyLucky nice

    6 days ago
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    @lafario That's what the program is for. By only for satellites I meant it only works on cameras mounted on a satellite, it can target anything.

    6 days ago
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    2,415 lafario

    @TheVizzyLucky Am not really sure, mine make to look at planets

    6 days ago
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    @lafario Simple, but cool. What's the max zoom? You could additionally make a simple tracking program (it's actually easy for satellites):
    while (true) {
    wait until (activation group 1);
    set targetVar to user input (Enter target:);
    set targetVar as target;
    lock heading on target;
    wait until (not(activation Group 1));
    lock heading on none;

    (targetVar is a variable)
    That's everything you need for a simple tracking program (only on satellites). Of course, there are lots of ways to make this more complicated though.

    7 days ago
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    2,415 lafario

    Check my craft out, Its called PlanetsSope.

    7 days ago
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    @Survisor Thanks for the tip, going to move the chip up in the next update. I think the targeting is a bit off because of calculation inaccuracies of the game (not entirely sure though), and these inaccuracies are multiplied because of the zoom (0.00083% of default FOV + huge camera (size increases zoom further)). That‘s why I added Pitch and Yaw control for correction. Or are the inaccuracies so high that you can‘t correct them?

    Edit: Another thought: Where do you spawn the telescope? What‘s the heading? Heading correction doesn‘t work yet and I didn‘t test many different positions, so that could be the cause too.
    A third thought: Did you test it on moons / planets? Since this wasn‘t intended to be used for satellites, I didn‘t test that.
    Edit 2: Found the reason for the inaccuracies! It was the weight. This will be fixed in the next update, but you can tinker mass scale of all parts above the hinge rotator to 0% on this version to make it accurate. Going to test it on sattelites soon to tell you more about that.
    Edit 3: I tried moving the command chip up, but that didn't help. The shaking is probably because the camera isn't moved continuously, it calculates the angles and moves the camera to the newest position. That way it 1. actually shakes a tiny bit and 2. the target's movement isn't cancelled perfectly. But you can minimize the shaking by slowing down time.

    7 days ago
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    You should move the chip on the bottom to somewhere on the top so the bottom is actually flat and dont move. And also it never move the camera to the center of the target, it cant even target a geosynced sat.

    7 days ago
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