Auto Credit Based on PipVader's Tomahawk X2

since the update, the wings do not automatically open after the solid stage ends, download this fixed version instead

Select target manually, then activate "launch" - it will target and fly towards the target at an adjusted AGL (range about 700KM). When it has clear line of sight to the target, activate "Engage Target" - then the missle will turn off the cruise program and lock on to the target. it needs some distance to adjust, so try to engage target before it gets within 10KM.

It can be steered with yaw, while the cruise program is adjusting pitch - to direct its path, if the target cant be reached with a mostly level approach(like the opposite side of a cliff)

built with @pipvader

equip and use missile or vizzy program freely

video in action by crowxe


  • Predecessor: Tomahawk X2
  • Successors 3 craft(s) +14 bonus
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version: 0.8.402.0
  • Price: $686k
  • Number of Parts: 39
  • Dimensions: 9 m x 2 m x 2 m


  • Total Delta V: 533m/s
  • Total Thrust: 114kN
  • Engines: 2
  • Wet Mass: 2,584kg
  • Dry Mass: 1,224kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 533m/s 114kN 11s 2,584kg
2 1 0m/s 0N 0s 1,797kg


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    @TritonAerospace -Awesome, im looking foreward to seeing it in action

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    @SmurfResearchX no need found out the activation problem were a bunch of misplaced lines.
    I'm currently making a cruise missile I'm gonna upload it and tag you when the fuel grain update comes out.

    2.9 years ago
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    Thank You - Glad you figured it out - yes - the heading error didn't add up right when the headings are across the 0-360 zone. sorry, i was thinking it was about this tomahawk program - the lag time was for when the heading lock is changed(from 90 pitch to 0 and back, before launch) - it took about the 1.5 sec for the nav sphere to move to the furthest points - the "set pitch"/"set craft pitch" should work right away - what isn't activating in your program? if you have a WIP, i can take a look
    if it should be activating, i try setting a light or display to show if the program is seeing the condition...if the light doesn't turn on, then the loop isn't running

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    @SmurfResearchX you said (wait 1.5 sec for computer to set) i have been experiencing some strange events where code wasn't activating even though it was correct, do the in game chips lag or something?

    2.9 years ago
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    @SmurfResearchX thanks, i got the formula now.
    I meant your actual bearing formula i created like 3 different formulas initially i thought they were wrong but what i was getting wrong was the if bearing>0 then +360 etc (the last couple IF code lines in your heading guidance).
    Your formula is like this:-
    Easting= TargetLatitude-PlayerLatitude x degtorad of 180 / 180 x droo radius.
    Northing= TargetLongtitude-PlayerLongtitude x degtorad of 180 / 180 x droo radius.
    Bearing= radtodeg of atan of Northing(y)-Easting(x).
    Now THAT bearing angle calculation is added onto in your code by IF ELSE lines. +360 or +180 (it is this portion that i struggled with for 24 hours until i looked into your code).
    Thanks for the help man, your builds are gold.

    2.9 years ago
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    @TritonAerospace - sure, this one was early in vizzy
    - before launch -
    1 - locks on the target (setting the heading)
    2 - wait 1.5 sec (for computer to set)
    3 - sets pitch to "target pitch" (controls altitude, and should still have heading set)
    - after launch -
    the pitch is controlled to hold altitude, and heading is still going off the original setting
    Then, when "engage target" is activated, it uses "target lock" (the altitude control stops and auto-pilot keeps it headed directly at the target until it hits)
    there are some different ways to do it now. they have added alot of controls for guidance in the updates after this was made - if there is a specific part of the vizzy that i didn't answer here - let me know and i can explain it more, or make a new upload with a example

    2.9 years ago
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    Hey smurf, hey can you give me your heading formula in short letters?

    2.9 years ago
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    The range of this missile is too short!?

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @SmurfResearchX yes that would be great

    5.0 years ago
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    @laserborn88 - i can send a unlisted link to it now, if you want to test it out to make sure its hitting targets? - it is working for me, but would be helpful to know if it works on some different targets 800KM+

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    @SmurfResearchX that sounds awsome tag me when its posted.

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    @laserborn88 - awesome, thank you...i should probably put that part first now, since the update happened - im almost done a different style that goes from launch to orbit, and back down to the target, for targets further than this one can reach

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    thank you really like craft would hate to not use it because of error. @SmurfResearchX

    5.0 years ago
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    @laserborn88 - yeah, they had slider 1 and slider 2 in the vizzy reversed, and fixed it in the update - there is a link to the fixed version in the description

    5.0 years ago
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    programing error. after space sailors update wings fail to deploy after rocket motor detaches.

    5.0 years ago
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    106 Azam

    @SmurfResearchX alright,MSA will be happy to be with u guys

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    @AZAMGAMING - no need to swear - i would be happy to work together, and not against anyone....except that evil militia, that keeps coming up with evil schemes

    5.1 years ago
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    106 Azam

    @SmurfResearchX i swear im not

    5.1 years ago
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    @AZAMGAMING - as long as you are not in cahoots with the evil militia....

    5.1 years ago
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    106 Azam

    waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait.can my low funded agency ally with u guys?

    5.1 years ago
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    @crowxe - awesome - the videos are great, the Militia must be kept at bay...for everyones safety

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    8,458 crowxe

    @SmurfResearchX Mission completed, the threat is eliminated for now :) here's the video report

    5.1 years ago
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    8,458 crowxe

    @SmurfResearchX well, sources say that Licheta supplied them with mobilised AAA , we can't send our jets but thanks to your Tomahawk will be more than capable to do the job, will send you a report ASAP. And yes We better protect our network from those hackers.

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    @crowxe - i will send a link next make sure the allied forces of SR2 will always have the upper hand against the dangerous militias out there...they could have already cyber-attacked our notification network!

    5.1 years ago
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    8,458 crowxe

    why the hell am i not getting notifications , this master piece is 9 days old and i've just seen it... now i got some militia to target again LOL

    5.1 years ago
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