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4,025 daen
@TopSecret2 Thanks you so much! 😆 Love your review😆 The secret is....shhhh (a very strong gyroscope). 🤣
562 TopSecret2
This has to be one of the best VTOL spacecraft I’ve ever flown. Took it off without any trouble, got it into orbit Newtonian style, then deorbited and used the VTOL engines to slow down without having the ship break up in reentry. Then managed to fly it back to Herschel spaceport and land it vertically... 20-30m north of where I took off nearly an hour before in game time. Flies smooth as an arrow!
4,025 daen
@EnceladusDynamics thanks lol, I based it off the star wars ship Home One
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@Jemba https://www.simplerockets.com/c/XDf5k6/Sentry-Class-Corvette