A 4th generation fighter/attack jet built by the Droodsberg Air Force in 1984. It can go to ~800 m/s but there are always critical parts (right air intake and engine and also the lights because they stick out) that explode so I always recommend staying below that. The highest I've flown it was like 30,000 m but I'm sure someone could do better if they tried. It does have MFD's but they're pretty bad because it's my first real attempt at a fighter jet. I did add an airbrake along the spine it isn't conclusive whether it works well enough or not, but there's parachutes for if they don't. It also has droppable bombs, which don't really explode that well and are kind of hard to actually get to the ground because if you go too fast and/or high, they just burn up. They have night-vision cameras so you could watch the drop (they are really quite sentimental so they don't want to separate away from the craft; meaning they separate from the pylons but they just kind of loiter around the wings, so do pull up after dropping them). You could use them as Drop tanks so there's that...
It is super low parts so you could load targets like the Simple Transporter if you wanted to.
To drop the bombs, turn the action group off and then on again, it's sort of weird but it works. The bombs aren't powered or guided. I am experimenting but I am also limited to the free version.
It also has bombs!