Auto Credit Based on Daniel12223's IST (international Space Transport) WIP!

IST V2, Have ever wanted to go to a diffrent place with a space ship? Well here is a space ship that can go anywere! It can go to the moon, mars, diffrent countrys, and more! With its 7 engines (including 3 ion engines) you can go fast!
4 fuel engines
3 ion engines
1 solar pannel
3 landing legs (those 3 bulges on the side of the ship)
1 door
3 windows
1 parachute
12 propelent engines
Q-How do i use the landing legs?
A-use slider 1 to move the landing legs.
Q-how do i open and close the parachute
A-use action group 1 or 2 to open or close parachute, or there will be a action once you’ve turned on all of the engines
Q-what is the grey/black side of the ship?
A-its a heat shield do your ship doesnt blow up
Thanks for downloading my rocket ship! And enjoy!



  • Total Delta V: 37.7km/s
  • Total Thrust: 1.0MN
  • Engines: 7
  • Wet Mass: 31,898kg
  • Dry Mass: -167,068kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 4 24.9km/s 1.0MN 3.8m 31,898kg
2 3 12.8km/s 84N 49.35days 31,898kg

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