Juneau Monthly Plan 9527 "Yuehua Secret Vehicle" Yuehua Secret Vehicle Operation Manual

  1. Operation steps
    1.1 Detector Head Control

    • Click the "AG1" button in the lower right corner of the interface to activate the first group of controls.

    • Locate the "Slider 1" on the left panel and slide it up to the middle position to activate the detector head lift mechanism.

1.2 Operation of mechanical arm
- Close "AG1" and click the "AG3" button to activate the third group of controls.
- Locate Slider 3 on the left panel and slide it up to the middle position to open the picker.

1.3 Arm control of mechanical arm
- Close "AG3" and click the "AG4" button to activate the fourth group of controls.
- Locate Slider 3 on the left panel and slide it up and down as needed to control the up and down movement of the picker arm.

1.4 Piston operation
- Close "AG4" and click the "AG4" button again to re-activate the fourth group of controls.
- Locate "Slider 4" on the left panel and slide up to the upper middle position to open the piston and slide down to the middle position to recover the piston.

  1. Precautions

    • After each step, close the corresponding active group (AG) and ensure that the slider bar is zeroed to prevent misoperation.

    • Slides do not automatically recover after the operation is complete because they are locked.

Special note:
- The chief designer of this project is Juneau Space Mengxin Group Studio. The author works on the Aauto platform and the bilibili platform, also known as Juno Space Mengxin Group Studio. If you encounter any problems in the process of use, please feel free to consult us.

Juneau Moonby Moon9527 Moon Series, the third issue of "Lunar Rover" is currently half-finished, and the final product author is likely to be very busy. Anyway, in August, September, October, November and December, the lunar exploration series will be completed until the end of the sixth period.

I hope this manual can help you to use Yuehua Secret Vehicle safely and effectively. If you have any problems or need further assistance, please feel free to contact the author or visit the Juneau Community website for support.Half-finished goods


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $1,339k
  • Number of Parts: 175
  • Dimensions: 3 m x 5 m x 4 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 0
  • Wet Mass: 5,655kg
  • Dry Mass: 4,566kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass

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