This the 2nd complex jet engine ever built in SimpleRockets 2. There is a jet engine in side, but it is for sounds only, not too special about it. This engine can go up to 8-10 MPH, thats because it spins the entire test stand mostly. Its not the most complex, its because that I dont know how to build a real jet engine in real life. I’m no real life enginer!!
Here is the 1st one that I think is a cool (uselss, he’ll make another ine thats usefull on of the days.)
Simple Jet Eninge
(Doesn’t seem so simple…)
No controls/sliders that are needed.
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@NebulaSpaceAgency not really, if it’s complex it’s complex, this took me 2-3 days to finish, to get it to move, and texturize it to perfection, though idk how people are able to change a cylinder fuel tank to a square, I don’t know how people do that