The SS State of Burgundy (Ordensstaat Burgund) is a country in "The New Order: Last Days of Europe".

"The New Order: Last Days of Europe" is a mod in "Hearts of Iron"

The SS State of Burgundy (Ordensstaat Burgund) is a country in Western Europe. It is bordered to the west by the French State, to the north by Reichskommissariat Niederlande, and to the east by the Greater Germanic Reich, Switzerland, and the Italian Empire. De jure, the country is a part of the Greater Germanic Reich, but it maintains de facto independence from Germany.

The country itself is completely administered and operated by the Burgundian Schutzstaffel, otherwise known as the Burgundian SS. The head of Burgundy and the Reichsführer of the Burgundian SS, Heinrich Himmler, preaches his own ideological doctrine known as the Burgundian System. This ideology views the classic National Socialism practiced in Germany as increasingly decadent and inefficient and seeks to revitalize it based on extreme militarism and state spartanism.

The population is controlled through fear and brutality. The Burgundian military is one of the best in the world and is heavily integrated into everyday life. It is said that the nation has "more work camps than houses" in which anybody who speaks out against the state is forced into. Due in most part to the innumerable deaths from the camp system, the state is one of the most successfully Germanized regions of the Reich, being about 40 percent ethnically German. Burgundy is a member of the Einheitspakt, with its faction status being an Ordensstaat.


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 0.9.704.0
  • Price: $61k
  • Number of Parts: 12
  • Dimensions: 0 m x 3 m x 4 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 0
  • Wet Mass: 21kg
  • Dry Mass: -1,405kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass



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