Can go a whopping 6 m/s, much more stable than the previous version, should be able to walk down the runway with minimal yaw input
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6,757 JamesV4
@Jerba go to tinker panel then go to hidden properties, you could edit xml properties of parts through that including speed of rotators or pistons
692 Jerba
@JamesValino I don’t think I could possibly make it faster, the pistons and rotators simply can’t move faster without xml (which I can’t do on mobile)
6,757 JamesV4
@Jerba i think all it needs is turning mechanism, suspensions, and some good ol exterior design and its pretty much all set, this one is probably the fastest walking speed for a craft i've seen so far, great job
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Nice job yo, super clean movements, and fast!
Im a vizzy noob but your program looks very simple so I applaud you because I should be able to use this as a reference to build a walker of my own. Keep it up!!