Hope you like this idea, might not be pro but, oh well
There are many things that I made with vizzy, for example the steering range decreases as speed increases, I have also added braking lights, backing lights, and so many more small things like reverse gear and automated the throttle system to be a bit more like a truck one and so on. The Cargo door can be opened, I have added 2 cameras, a Interior one and a mirror view. I wanted to make the full interior but noticed the complexity would take more time, my time was too precious for that..😁
- Successors 1 craft(s) +7 bonus
- Created On: Android
- Game Version: 0.9.905.1
- Price: $1,531k
- Number of Parts: 102
- Dimensions: 4 m x 3 m x 20 m
- Total Delta V: 0m/s
- Total Thrust: 0N
- Engines: 0
- Wet Mass: 20,656kg
- Dry Mass: 19,182kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
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3,799 Alvin98
@Noddy2020 Thanks, I mostly focused on realism and a soft driving feeling, I know the suspension isn't perfect, thats why we always need people like you who edit and make better crafts
315 Noddy2020
Nice i adjusted gears and trailer suspension but some how you made a good handling truck just made go faster and trailer more stable but well done mate
Anyone asking permission to use, you can use everything I make!
I Love humanity!❤