"Tempest" is a general purpose long-range SSTO desighed as crew transport. Has room for 22 droods.
Requires part lift forces enabled.
This SSTO has 2-mode ascend engines, highly efficient vacuum engines and low gravity VTOL engines.
Ascend engines has airbreathing and closed-cycle modes. Airbreathing mode has great efficiency, and gains more thrust as it gets more velocity, but requires atmosphere to work.
Closed-cycle mode is an ordinary rocket propulsion, its recommended to keep it on until you circularize.
Vacuum engines has ~550 isp, but pretty low thrust, to compensate it they support warp burn.
LG-VTOL engines are used for finishing landings on moons. Note that it can be unstable when at 100% throttle. Less efficient than vacuum engines.
SSTO Range
Droo orbit
(Any point, docking)
Luna, Brigo, T.T.
(can land, orbit, dock)
Inner planets of Juno
(can enter orbit, dock)
SSTO can glide pretty well when most of fuel is depleted, and is easy to control, although when performing burns it pitches a bit down, use proportional setting on autopilot to compensate.
Thats all i got to say, enjoy!
- Predecessor: Tempest SSTO WIP
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Price: $367,777k
- Number of Parts: 472
- Dimensions: 11 m x 36 m x 44 m
- Total Delta V: 0m/s
- Total Thrust: 18.6MN
- Engines: 24
- Wet Mass: 6.96E+5kg
- Dry Mass: 1.56E+5kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
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2,121 NorthStarAerospace
@sacr3dbac0n0 Well, there IS actually a roll surfaces, 2 of them are on invisible wing, and other 2 are on rudder, it's because wings have a bit of vertical angle and roll on these wings worked a bit weird, at least for me, also yaw setting on rudder had some problems with autopilot
4,727 sacr3dbac0n0
It flies alright, but there's something up with the control surfaces. Why wasn't roll put on the wings? It causes an awkward roll/yaw coupling. Looks cool aside from that!
Nice lifting body! If you search for lifting body, there are almost no results…