The Lyphen B-11 is a super sonic fighter jet built for being as manuverable, and hard to hit with missiles as possible. I will warn, the craft may sometimes go Hypersonic, and tear itself apart at those speeds. I hope yall enjoy this feat of engineering. The display, and fly by wire stuff isnt mine. This is the Second Lyphen (Lie-fen) craft I have built with the purpose of publishing. Lyphen is the name I give to cragts of my own design. This craft has vectored thrust to allow for greater manuverabity.
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25.6k XionmassResearchDevt
Ya, sorry i didn't credit to you on that, yes you have good looking engine on this. I failed useing it tho.. I didn't credit because it was a failure anyways. But I will if you like, I'd rather credit you on a good build that works tho
4,097 Hotcrackers
and guess how much I care? I don’t. If your so anti military why would you try a jet you label as military. Kinda ironic@DPSAircraft
4,097 Hotcrackers
Best way to fly it is in first person, as it is confusing to fly with the movement of the wings/engines.
25.6k XionmassResearchDevt
Fast , unstable as hell . Looks really good, I can't keep it from tossing
4,097 Hotcrackers
It’s much easier to fly in first person. The display was made by s5ehfr9.
dw about it, I don’t have a care in the world for being given credit, I’m just glad some thought something I made was cool enough to use in their own craft. Dw ab giving me credit in anything u build. Have fun! @XionmassResearchDevt