Are you in hurry to try rover without reading my description fully then there is some notices and awareness.

Speed Units!!! 🛣
Two versions is available for this rover include metric and imperial versions is available in my posts under my community account. The metric version rover is for Global users who can determine how high and low speed is in metric unit while the users in US can determine how high and low speed is in imperial unit.

Notice!!! ??
There are few things I need to notify you before you try this, this rover has advanced alert sound system in which might annoy you with continuous beeping sound when doing dangerous maneuvering so, instead of that you can turn off sound in Activation 8. This alarm system is specifically designed for to alert and protect Astronauts from rover flipping or accidents only when driving on moon (lunar) but not on earth (droo) and while this new rover doesn't have pre installed recovery system compared to my older generation rover because of spacing issues as I have been testing on rocket capabilities to carry this rover before I install recovery system and until then I can install once the rocket design is completed.

Secondly, when you're currently in chipset mode to control rover means the battery readings in MFD is correct but if you switch control into astronaut means the battery readings can't show up correctly instead it will show as 0% and it is primarily due to in game bugs/glitches but not my programming faults.

Thirdly, there are two versions of this my rover include metric and imperial versions in which have modifications made in velocity MFD to change speed measurement units. This one is imperial version and while metric version is available in my other posts.🚨🛑??🔇🔊

Copyrights Warning!!! 📋🔒
This rover design and MFD programming are maybe subjected to copyrights but I don't know about how worth or unique design is my rover.

However I have made updates with copyright conditions is that, during the random event of popularity or highest rated of posts means its a bad idea to take advantage over copying any of well worth of models, programming features, etc. and trying to attempt to re-upload model again with changed names or something like that.

So, instead of that, you can learn how stuff works in my model designs, functions of programming, performance configurations and many others that has led to interesting ways to interact with model in simulator. With that case, it might inspire you to gain lots of knowledge and ideas to build your own model with many infinite designs but not same design or programming as mine but instead you can make lots of different programming formats, optimizations and add extra features into it.

Secondly if you have an idea to build full rocket design for this my rover means you can try to land in moon yourself as if it is an success then you're allowed to upload both rocket design and my rover in community and along with appropriate description about instructions and my rover name must be mentioned in it as well.🚀🛰

Hello Guys, Welcome back!!!!

This is my very first moon rover with probably most advanced MFD (Multi-Function Display) dashboard display I have programmed ever. Currently, we have recently started testing on the simulation of moon lander capabilities for to carry the entire rover design model with such heavy load and without foldable once but however during that process means I was able to upload this rover design to try it for you guys and try to observe and learn yourself about how I programmed it and without any command definition given in.

The current model of these in simulation is a AtomicRockets R-60 Series and while the predecessor of this rover was actually AtomicRockets R-50M Series and then R-50 series and then R-30 series in which previous versions had lots of retro dashboard design, foldable rover and along with analog throttle power gauge.

Unlike my new rover R-60 Series model have its modern design and their digital dashboard display with advanced alert system and along with alert sounds when attempting dangerous maneuvering. Other features can include pieces of indicators whether you turned on headlights, high beam, 4WD active, 4WS active or Solar charging. And finally, what we have is a battery percentage display as well to tell you when to charge by using solar, when to drive slow, when to keep idle, etc.

The previous versions of rover include AtomRT R-50M series and along with final rocket design is available in my uploads as you can check it out.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version: 0.9.509.0
  • Price: $6,555k
  • Number of Parts: 116
  • Dimensions: 3 m x 4 m x 5 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 300N
  • Engines: 1
  • Wet Mass: 6,794kg
  • Dry Mass: 4,458kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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