Dark Aerospace created the green giant because environmentalists wouldn't stop protesting in the parking lot of our aeronautics research laboratory.
using 6 small turboprop engines designed by @Freeskyaerospace, this lumbering behemoth is able to haul a modest amount of cargo while being fuel efficient and overall eco friendly.
This Is my first attempt at using paneling to make an interior, so I hope everyone likes it.
note to Freesky: hope you don't mind, but I had to boost the Horsepower of the props to get this thing off the ground.
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1,201 kansaspilot
@Freeskyaerospace yeah, I know.
Thats why AG 1 is pressurize engines, instead of just engines.
Turboprop engines will spin without the compression, but the real power kicks in once compression begins.While they do run on jet fuel, they don't burn as much and are much more fuel efficient.
20.6k Freeskyaerospace
Oh lol just read the description. Also turboprop still Burns jet fuel, just different way of compressing the air.
20.6k Freeskyaerospace
@kansaspilot I love it! I really thought these were less powerful!
@DSPACE something tells me that if I made it any bigger, it would never get off the ground.