Auto Credit Based on Spaceman2004's UX-60

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  • Predecessor: UX-60
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $2,940k
  • Number of Parts: 118
  • Dimensions: 5 m x 21 m x 26 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 600N
  • Engines: 2
  • Wet Mass: 10,145kg
  • Dry Mass: 9,278kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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    2,063 macielc567

    legal esse helicóptero

    2 days ago
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    Thank you!

    2 months ago
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    @spaceman2004 Everything is improved here, incredible flight stability, How to fly:
    The heli can stay in the air perfectly, keep pitch 90° throttle 36% and it will stay at the height it needs, Completely still. Just put the pitch forward or backward to lower or raise the nose, to move it forward or backward.
    Use the "roll" control to make the heli turn right or left in case you want to fly sideways, it is used to shoot From the sides. Well, try it and let me know anything.

    2 months ago

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